Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Archangel Michael

Oh Archangel Michael, may your Force guide us
when we are ready to open the door
with our hand trembling on the handle
May You show us the next room
in the labyrinth of life
when we are looking at the open door of opportunity with fear
May You use your sword to let our shell die
and free the butterfly that is sleeping inside it

From: The Reencounter (intro)

The image of the Archangel Michael shows the Archangel holding a sword on his right hand and the soul of the Greedy in his left hand. The Archangel steps on the dead body of the Greedy. The myth says that the Greedy in his life was not willing to share anything with anyone. He was lost inside his belongings. The Archangel is there to separate the pure from the fallen. In his hand he is holding the pure soul of the fallen man.

The Archangel Michael assistσ us in the process of becoming. "To be or not to be" says Hamlet, meaning really "To be or to become". But in reality the privilege of Being is only given once the pure arises from the fallen, it is a Godly property gained through the spiritual journey. In reality life is a continuous process of becoming. And in this process the Archangel is there to help us separate the pure from the material, guide us on the ever-present process of becoming. With his sword he destroys our greedy body and lets the soul evolve out of it.

In the process of becoming we need the courage to change and to die. In the labyrinth of life the butterfly cannot be born if the worm does not die and the flower cannot appear if the seed does not break. Looking at the seed the Archangel sees the flower. Looking at the worm He sees the butterfly. And with His sword He opens the shell of the Greedy to take out of his body his pure soul.


  1. κοίτα να δεις λατρεία με τις 500.000λέξεις της Αγγλικής! Τόσο πολύ σου αρέσουν? Θα ξεχάσεις την γλώσσα στο τέλος!

  2. Απόλυτο δίκιο. Δεν μου αρέσουν αλλά νομίζω οτι την καταλαβαίνουν πιο πολλοί. Το έβαλα και στα Ελληνικά και θα τα βάζω δίγλωσσα από δω και πέρα.
